
An last!!

It's been such a long time since we last updated this blog. If you have visited our stall at the Amcorp flea market in December, you would have noted that we have added some new favourites to our product lists i.e. The Almond Cookies, Chocolate Cupcakes, and Butter Cupcakes :)

I have been baking The Almond Cookies for my family for years. Topped with sesame, they have this rich buttery taste, and the chopped almond make the cookies crunchy too. I just love these cookies and initially hesitated to bake them for sale as they really need to be kept in air tight containers and when served, they can't be served on a plate or in a container with other cookies as The Almond Cookies would absorb the moisture from the other cookies. The texture and flavour would then be lost. But some customers who are not so much into peanuts, have been asking for almond cookies. So do my friends who have tasted the cookies. So, I have started selling them and they have been a sold out! Of course, for each customer, I will still remind them on the storage needs for these cookies...soon I will need to add the instructions on the jar :)
Well, I need to go for now...will update on the cupcakes later. Hopefully, not too long after :) 
But before that The Cookie Cat would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year!! May 2009 be a blessed and fruitful year for all.

away for the weekend!

I won't be in KL this weekend, so place a phone order or an email order if you're craving :)

we WILL be at Amcorp Mall this weekend!

The Cookie Cat was on a little break, but now we're back! And for those allergic to nuts, we've made a improvised version of our chocolate chip cookies with no nuts and more chocolate. I'd consider it a success because my daughters have been dunking them in milk every night.

Also, we've changed our number to 019 3536350, so if you have our old business card, come drop by and get our new one :)

See you at Amcorp Mall this weekend!


an example of our special packaging

I got my first special order of two fruitcakes as an engagement present two weeks ago! Since it was for a unique occasion, I decided to have fun and try a different style of packaging. I thought it turned out nicely.

here's what our cookies look like!

Click on the photos for a bigger version.

Chocolate Chip Cookies
available in amounts of 200g and 300g

Chocolate Chip Cookies
up really close!

The Peanut Cookies
available in 400g


crunchy and easy on the spicy


We had another good sales again on Sunday....sold out all the butter cakes! One customer called to say that the cake is "sedap giler and menyesal beli satu je" :) He wanted to come back and buy another one but he was already in Selayang.

Well, the butter cake has always been my favourite. It's a recipe that was handed down by my late aunt. Over the years, I have improvised the recipe slightly and now use only the best butter ... SCS or Golden Churn.

The moist chocolate cakes were selling well too that I had to come home and baked somemore.
BTW, we will not be at the Amcorp Mall next week but we do accept orders.



Yesterday sales went through the roof! The Cookie Cat is still open today at Amcorp but it's run by my friend while I'm back at home baking more peanut cookies. Yesterday the peanut cookies were sold out. One customer commented that the cookie melts in your mouth :)

We've been getting text messages asking for more of this and more of that, which I sincerely didn't expect. The response has been incredible. I had to wake up at 4am this morning to bake and catch up with everyone.

We got the business cards ready in time after all yesterday, so for those of you who came here because of the cards, hello! And if you text us with your feedback, thank you so much :)

Yesterday the fruit cakes were selling well too. I am not a big fan of fruit cake until I tasted this steamed fruit cake made by my friend's aunt who is already in her 70s. It's delicious and moist with this rich fruit flavour. The cake would make as a great gift and we do have special packages for different sizes.

a little tired but thrilled,

The Cookie Cat business card

One of my daughters designed a little business card for The Cookie Cat! She drew that cat herself too. We haven't printed them out yet but we are going to try try try print them out before we head to Amcorp.

Excited that The Cookie Cat has cards now,

PS: Phone number is now 019 35 36 35 0

amcorp today, our second time ever!

We're all set to open up shop later today (October 25, 2008) at the Amcorp flea market. Everything's sitting pretty & packaged on the dining table downstairs. We've incorporated all the helpful feedback from last week, so hopefully this week will be fantastic for everyone. Come find us!

Trying not to pinch too much of the food,

PS: Just in case we can't come online on Monday, The Cookie Cat would like to wish all our future customers Happy Diwali. We think some of our muruku would go just nicely with your festivities :)

the cookie cat's debut

We started selling for the first time just outside Starbucks in Amcorp Mall. Z has heard a lot about the flea markets on Sunday but have never participated before. I designed a cute little sign for our stall (our stall was rather big, we were afraid we couldn't fill it all two tables up) and we photocopied it into flyers for people who asked.

We were nervous since it was our first time handling things like this. Can we just say a big THANK YOU to window shoppers and customers who really helped us out with their advice? It's amazing how little things slipped our minds, like price tags! Kind people like you are the ones who will help us improve The Cookie Cat for everyone :)

Another piece of feedback we kept on receiving was to make a website, so people could place their orders online and keep in touch with my new project! So here you have it. I've started this site for my mother, and hopefully she'll learn more about how to update it as we go along.

We're planning on filling this up with
  • pictures
  • updates
  • new menu additions
  • dates and locations of TCC stalls
  • prices and order details
  • maybe even a recipe or two?
Hmm. In the meantime please please bookmark this url: and pass it to your friends!

Happy eating!