
writings on the cakes...

Here's another try with CAPS....just delivered today. Hope you have a day full of happiness Lim:)

First time doing the writing!

Well, recently there have been requests for me to write HAPPY BIRTHDAY on my cup cakes. Never done this before but I guess there's always a first time...and mine was on July 9. I will improve over time..need to read and practise more on this!

300 mini cupcakes!

(mini cupcakes cost RM1 each)

All the best to your sister and future husband! :)

(a few of) this week's cupcakes!

I'm planning on taking a short break soon because the past few weeks have been filled with some really intense baking. I managed to get my daughter to shoot a few of the regular-sized butter cupcakes I made this week. You know they look yummy :)

If I do decide to take a break, you'll be the first to know!