
Just to share an update

Time flies when you enjoy doing what you do. It's been almost two years since I started The Cookie Cat; and the support that we received from all of you was tremendous!! The Cookie Cat family can't ever thank all of you enough :)

During this period, I have been able to assess our strengths and weaknesses and explore the opportunities and potentials. I have some plans in terms of our operations going forward where I would like to focus on baking and supply of our goodies. This is what we enjoy and what we do best and this is where we want to improve and grow.

Next month is already the holy month of Ramadhan. Muslims will be fasting during the period before celebrating Hari Raya Aidilfitri at the end of the month. The Cookie Cat shop operated till 9 pm last year during Ramadhan. However for this year, operating hours at the shop will be from 12 noon till 5 pm. I will be baking more from The Cookie Cat home in Sri Hartamas. For those of you in KL, you can arrange for pick up of your goodies from Sri Hartamas too!

So, that's the end of my update for now :)