
More Wedding Cakes

It has been so long since I last updated this blog. Thousand apologies. Since my last entry, I have baked more wedding cakes :-

Turquoise green, white and gold wedding cake

I was initially worried about the turquoise green colour for this wedding cake. I was kneading in the colour for two days to get the right colour. Eventually my second daughter said that the colour was lovely and it's the colour that she had always wanted for her bedroom wall.

Each cake was a layer of our classic butter cake and a layer of orange cake.

Pink and white wedding cake

The bride loved our classic butter cake. So her pink and white wedding cake was totally our Classic Butter cake.

The wedding cake at the hall that was beautifully decorated in dark and light pink and silver grey.

The lovely bride and groom about to cut the cake. Such lovely flowers!

Maroon and white wedding cake

This two tier maroon and white wedding cake is our Classic Butter cake as well.

Top view of the cake

This was the first time that I emboss the cake board (as I learn something new each time).

The cake was safely delivered to the wedding site.


  1. Cupcakes are not formal for wedding. The bride wears a long white dress thus a wedding cake fits well. The wedding cake and the cutting of it symbolize a commitment to the sweet life the two of you are going to be sharing together.

  2. The wedding cakes are very delightful and loveliness.Each and every cakes are looking different from one another.
    Cakes Delivery In Delhi

  3. Elated to know about these wedding cakes. Couple of months ago, I had arranged my nephew’s wedding at one of elegant New York venues and ordered a delicious cake from a reputed baker who did wonderful arrangements for perfect wedding cake.
